Peter Boyd is an attorney and the Founder of PaperStreet. He has successfully helped 1,500 law firms with their websites and marketing. getty Asking whether it’s better for your firm to focus advertising dollars on pay-per-click advertising or search engine optimization is a little like asking whether it’s better to […]

Is blogging still relevant? The numbers certainly say so. There are 70 million new posts each month, and 42% of the web is built on WordPress alone. As a result, blogging is still a prominent part of an online marketing strategy. In fact, in a recent survey, out of all […]

Sitemaps are a powerful tool for SEO pros and webmasters. They help Google and other search engines navigate through a website and find new pages and content. It’s not guaranteed that search engines will index the content but telling them what pages are important can make a significant difference. Sitemaps […]