World Quantum Day was apparently yesterday, and Google feted the occasion with the launch of The Qubit Game, as spotted by 9to5Google. Created in partnership with Doublespeak games, it’s a “playful journey to building a quantum computer, one qubit at a time,” Google said. It also hopes the game, and […]
There are plenty of gaming laptops on the market these days, but none quite fit the requirements of one [ParticularlyPippin]. Thus, they set out on building their own portable computer, ending up with a rig in a briefcase with a decidedly cyberpunk feel. We love this?! The design relies on […]
An Israeli team of researchers has built the country’s first quantum computer, a major feat that has been years in the making, according to Prof. Roee Ozeri of the Weizmann Institute of Science, an expert in quantum computing research in the Department of Physics of Complex Systems. Ozeri told The […]
Fremont, CA: Internet marketing has expanded dramatically in recent years. The sheer number of businesses joining the established business bandwagon attests to the enormous income potential of internet ventures. Despite the fact that there are numerous opportunities available online, success in internet marketing requires more effort and resources. In the […]