What I’m finding particularly appealing is that all this power fits into the 14-inch chassis. Previously, I was carrying a 16-inch MacBook Pro, with a high-end Intel processor. The big screen was nice, but it was heavy and battery life would drop precipitously if challenged with anything more serious than […]

To bridge this communications gap, our team at Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories has developed and built an AI system that does just that. We call the system scene-aware interaction, and we plan to include it in cars. As we drive down a street in downtown Los Angeles, our system’s synthesized […]

February 18, 2022• Physics 15, s23 Predictions indicate that a nanometer-sized wave-based computer could solve equations in a fraction of the time of their larger, electronic counterparts.   Booting up your laptop may seem like an instantaneous process, but in reality, it’s an intricate dance of signals being converted from […]