Apple last month announced two new MacBooks: the M2 MacBook Air and the M2 MacBook Pro. Yes, they bring the latest Apple Silicon chip with performance improvements, and when it comes to the new MacBook Air, there’s also the new design. But if you’re looking for a new Mac, the […]

Recently created website and brand improvement firm offers unique 15% discount to help build their customers’ business. Today, Improve Web Design LLC, which provides bespoke website designers and branding services, launched an exclusive 15% discount offer to all customers who are looking to build their online presence and generate more […]

A lack of collaboration is the greatest challenge facing business and their supply chain. Here’s how … [+] to instill greater collaboration. getty In a recent article, the non-profit benchmarking organization APQC identified a “lack of collaboration” as the greatest challenge affecting supply chains. Noting that collaboration has always been […]

Have you been looking for a portable air cooler to keep you cool this summer? Read through my review of the trending Arctos Portable AC to see why this should or should not make it to your list of must-have gadgets in 2022! I came across this gadget some few […]