Q: It’s time for me to upgrade so I’m trying to configure a new PC, but am getting confused at the difference between RAM and storage. Aren’t SSD drives comprised of RAM memory too? A: It used to be that there were two types of memory, RAM (random access memory) […]
There are so many different kinds of malware out there today that it’s easy to get confused about what each type actually does. This is the case with spyware and stalkerware, as one may assume they are one and the same. But is this true? What are the differences and […]
The proxy vs VPN debate addresses two different methods of accessing the internet anonymously. Both make it appear as if you’ve established a connection from a different IP address by routing traffic through a remote server. This may be particularly important if you’re concerned about the privacy of your personal […]
Contemporary computing looks wildly different from 1959, when Carolina acquired its first computer, Sperry Rand’s UNIVAC 1105. Computing today is ubiquitous. Since 2000, Carolina has required all undergraduate students to have a laptop computer. Campus-wide Wi-Fi provides 24/7 internet access. Faculty, staff and students rely on computers for research, teaching, […]