Internal in-content linking practices have remained the same for the past twenty years, which is strange because Google has gone through dramatic changes within the last ten years and even more so in the past five. It may be time to consider freshening up internal linking strategies so that they […]

Google Assistant. Siri. Alexa. Cortana. You have your choice of high-quality voice assistants today, and they can all do some pretty amazing things. One of those things is to help users find answers to questions; basically, whatever someone would normally turn to a search engine for, voice assistants can find […]

Wondering how to do SEO for ecommerce? Looking for expert insights on ecommerce SEO? Uncertain how to make your online store more successful? From acknowledging that the traditional customer journey is dead, to fast pivoting due to Google’s constant updates, to reassessing benchmarks after the pandemic digital boom and the […]

The future looks bright for in-house SEO professionals, despite coming out of a long period of uncertainty with frequent algorithm changes and layoffs. Recent trends show that businesses are increasingly looking to integrate SEO into their broader marketing efforts, and in-house SEO pros are commanding competitive salaries. But that doesn’t […]

With Google constantly releasing algorithm updates, how do you keep up? Gone are the days when businesses could rank on Google simply by pumping out generic, keyword-stuffed material, which wasn’t necessarily user-friendly. Now, you can stay ahead of the curve with a forward-thinking approach to search marketing. In today’s ever-evolving […]

WordPress is one of the most SEO-friendly content management systems today. If you have a WordPress website, there are many things you can do to improve your SEO. But if you’re not careful, you could also harm your site’s ranking without realizing it.  In this post, you’ll discover 12 settings […]

The Truth About The Real ROI Of SEO SEO often involves a significant initial investment with a longer ROI than other channels. And once you let SEO slide, the recovery budget can be even more taxing. However, the ROI from an investment in SEO is generally higher than in other […]

If only we had full control over our website’s appearance in Google Search properties. Sadly, that’s not the case, as someone discovered recently. Today’s Ask An SEO question comes from Marwan from England, who asks: “How do I remove transactional landing pages such as “Restaurant branding agency” off my Google […]