Google rolled out several game-changing algorithm shifts last year that shook up the SEO world, from core updates to Helpful Content.  In order to master SEO in 2024, staying ahead of the curve is more crucial than ever.  That’s why we’re hosting an insightful webinar on March 13, where we […]

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. If you’re looking for ways to improve your company’s content strategy and output, you’ve probably considered using AI tools. These tools can improve your team’s productivity, allowing you to create more content in less time. AI writing has been a big point […]

Internal in-content linking practices have remained the same for the past twenty years, which is strange because Google has gone through dramatic changes within the last ten years and even more so in the past five. It may be time to consider freshening up internal linking strategies so that they […]

Since Search Engine Land launched, we have given SEO experts a platform to share their in-depth knowledge and timely insights – with the goal of helping you solve problems, manage challenges and understand the constantly shifting SEO landscape. That’s why one of my top priorities this year was to help […]

Building for the web is harder than ever. Better mobile technologies and web standards roll out every day. So, how are websites keeping up? Unlimited data plans are a luxury. But how much data gets downloaded when visiting a website, and what’s the environmental impact of our web today? Google […]

Today’s Ask An SEO question comes from Peter, who asks: “What’s the risk of focusing on what competitors are doing, as opposed to charting your own path? If all competitors are looking at each other, there’s no differentiators.” Great question, Peter! And one that comes up a lot. If a […]

Google has made significant changes to its Quality Rater Guidelines (QRG) for search. While Google updates this document several times per year, the latest version, updated today, came with notable changes to the structure of the document, with many new sections and tables added and a total of 11 new […]

WordPress is one of the most SEO-friendly content management systems today. If you have a WordPress website, there are many things you can do to improve your SEO. But if you’re not careful, you could also harm your site’s ranking without realizing it.  In this post, you’ll discover 12 settings […]